ProLink Integration Video Featured at NCSHA Annual Conference

ProLink Solutions is a proud sponsor of the National Council of State Agencies (NCSHA) annual conference for 2021. Our video will be featured during the “Implementing the Homeowner Assistance Fund” panel on Monday, September 27 at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time.

This video showcases new ProLink+ integrations with both DocuSign and Amazon QuickSight. With DocuSign eSignature, homeowners can sign the Hardship Affidavit quickly and easily. Amazon QuickSight allows agencies to view real-time reporting on critical fund distribution metrics, such as “Percent of Funds Disbursed,” “Average Days in Stage,” “Number of Applications per Stage,” and “Total Amount Disbursed by County.”

We invite you to watch our video about these exciting integrations below:

Register for the conference today to learn more about how ProLink+ can assist homeowners in your state.

Easy-to-Sign Hardship Affidavit with DocuSign

The DocuSign eSignature integration into ProLink+ has made the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) application process even easier for the homeowners. For agencies, it minimizes risk for fraud where applicants might misrepresent their personal information.

As the last step before submitting the application, each applicant is required to digitally sign the Hardship Affidavit form. Once the form is signed by all parties, the application is submitted to the agency. Agency staff then processes the submitted application in the back-office system, which ultimately leads to providing mortgage payments to the loan servicer, if the application meets all required funding criteria.

We invite you to watch our video about this exciting DocuSign integration below:

Live Demo

We are also hosting a webinar via Zoom on August 18 at 1PM ET, where we will be performing a live demo of ProLink+. Come by and see what ProLink+ can do for you in managing your HAF program.

Click here to sign up for our webinar on August 18 and reserve your spot today!

ProLink+ Integrated with DocuSign and Amazon QuickSight

We’re pleased to announce that our Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) deployment solution, ProLink+, has received some exciting new integrations with DocuSign and Amazon QuickSight. DocuSign eSignature enhances and simplifies the experience for homeowners applying for assistance, while Amazon QuickSight provides agency staff with a real-time, customizable analytical dashboard.

We invite you to watch our video about these changes, which was featured this year in NCSHA’s Housing Credit Connect 2021, below:

Live Demo

We are also hosting a webinar via Zoom on July 14 at 1PM ET, where we will be performing a live demo of ProLink+. Come by and see what ProLink+ can do for you in managing your HAF program.

Click here to sign up for our webinar on July 14 and reserve your spot today!

ProLink+ Upgraded with a New Look and Enhanced Functionality

ProLink+, our software solution to assist states with their Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) deployment, has been upgraded with a new look and enhanced functionality. Our webinar series in April and May of this year, where we discussed HAF deployment challenges and our holistic approach, was attended by over 30 states altogether. We are excited to have practically half of the nation showing interest in ProLink+. In the upcoming June 16 webinar, we plan to reveal the new look and enhanced functionality, which will make HAF deployment even more efficient for states.

Click here to sign up for our 30-minute webinar on June 16 and reserve your spot today!

New Look

The Homeowner Portal received a face lift! The navigation is more intuitive and the portal is now mobile friendly. The redesign helps the HAF roll-out in your state be more effective because homeowners will find it even easier and faster to submit applications and supporting documentation.

Enhanced Functionality

The new DocuSign feature supports digital signatures for the applicant’s Hardship Affidavit. The homeowner receives an email notification with a link; with just a click of a button, the homeowner can sign the Hardship Affidavit anywhere, anytime.

Join us for the live demo of these new features on June 16 at 1PM Eastern. Sign up today!



ProLink Panelists at NCSHA’s Housing Credit Connect in June 2021

ProLink Solutions is proud to announce we are an Event Platform Sponsor of the Housing Credit Connect conference in June 2021 hosted by the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA).  Some of the hot topics addressed in this conference include racial equity, climate change, healthy housing, emergency rental assistance, and preservation threats. We are happy to stand behind the affordable housing industry during this critical time as the nation is going through various changes, such as a new Administration and the global pandemic.

ProLink Panelists

Kelly Encinias, ProLinkHFA Product Owner, will be speaking at the Modernizing Compliance Monitoring panel on Wednesday, June 23 at 2:45PM ET. She will be introducing XML as a critical tool to enhance data security and share tenant compliance data seamlessly amongst various organizations.

At ProLink Solutions, Kelly focuses on customizing training plans for customers based on process discovery and successfully executing those plans in an efficient manner.

Ryan Kim, Director of Product Marketing at ProLink Solutions, is speaking at the Enhancing Public Policy with Portfolio Data panel on Wednesday, June 23 at 4:00PM ET. Ryan will tell a story from the housing finance agency side in terms of asset management data collection and analysis trends.

At ProLink Solutions, Ryan creates and communicates the vision for the ProLink Product Suites and drives various industry initiatives. He builds external partnerships and collaborates with stakeholders to bring changes.


We hope you join the Housing Credit Connect conference this year and learn and share with other industry participants. See you there!



ProLink+ Webinar Series for Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) Deployment

We are hosting a webinar series via Zoom on Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) Deployment. So far, we have hosted two 30-minute webinars on the subject, both of which were a rousing success with great turnout. A total of 25 states have attended our webinars  thus far. We are excited to have practically half of the nation showing interest in ProLink+. We expect an even higher turnout for our main 90-minute webinar on May 26, when we plan to showcase a live demo of ProLink+.

Click here to sign up for our 90-minute webinar on May 26 and reserve your spot today!

In case you missed either of the first two webinars, check out a recording of our the May 12 webinar below:

A Packaged Solution for Immediate HAF Deployment

ProLink has teamed up with E&A Team, Inc. to deliver a turnkey, package solution to states for the immediate deployment of the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act. E&A Team has been trusted for more than 25 years to provide the highest quality compliance solutions and training for the multifamily housing industry, and we are excited to work with them.

What is the Homeowner Assistance Fund?

HAF refers to funds prioritized to homeowners under the American Rescue Plan Act. These funds are available to homeowners who have experienced the greatest financial hardships. You can read more about the HAF and American Rescue Plan Act here.

Where Does ProLink+ Fit In?

ProLink+ is a proven technology that serves states for the Hardest Hit Fund program. We are upgrading the technology to meet the needs of today’s Homeowner Assistance Fund. ProLink+ comes to the rescue and provides U.S. states with the cloud-based software they need to manage emergency fund deployment effectively and efficiently.

Virginia Housing Case Study: Showcased at NCSHA

ProLink Solutions has developed a Case Study on Virginia Housing Asset Management. ProLink Solutions is proud to say that we are a Platinum sponsor of the HFA Institute of 2021, supporting the Affordable Housing industry as well as the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA).

Who is Virginia Housing?

Created in 1972, Virginia aimed to provide Virginians with quality, affordable housing. They provided mortgages for first-time homebuyers and financed apartment communities and neighborhood revitalization efforts. Virginia Housing receives no state taxpayer dollars to fund our programs. Instead, they contributed a significant portion of the net revenues each year to help meet Virginia’s most difficult housing needs.

Kara Nickerson, the Asset Manager at Virginia Housing, states, “Asset management can be defined as the process of monitoring the health of your individual assets and maximizing the collective value of your portfolio.”

How does Virginia Housing use ProLinkHFA?

“Virginia Housing uses ProLinkHFA as our “one-stop” for tracking all asset management activities – physical inspections and full-on financial monitoring. ProLink provides functionality for each step along the way.  We are able to keep related inspection notes and track follow-ups as well as corrective action replies from owners and management agents, all in one spot.” says Kara.

What else does ProLinkHFA do?

Kara continues, “Asset Management activities and functions are only a link in the chain of Virginia Housing’s use of ProLink in an integrated way.  Multifamily development and underwriting, capital markets, federal tax credit allocation, tenant compliance, and loan servicing work are all represented.  This all sums to the advantage of ProLinkHFA as a beginning to end, usable system.  We couldn’t turn back to a steppe process now that ProLinkHFA has paved the way and added lots of efficiency!  It’s very valuable to our operation.”

Learn About the NOFA Process Through Procorem with OHCS

Is your housing business drowning in a sea of paper? For so many years, businesses all around the world have had to use endless amounts of paper to share within the company… Procorem can help you and every individual in your business lessen the paper by sharing files as easy as the click of a button. Let ProLink Solutions introduce you to the NOFA Process through Procorem. Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), began using Procorem to ease the difficulty of sharing files. Before OHCS began using Procorem, they had to utilize multiple hardcopies, including electronic copies. You can guess that this would make the process of a business extensive.

All project developers are allowed access to the work center, making matters straightforward. At Prolink Solutions, we work to solve the problem of affordable housing. Procorem helps with the issues of sharing files and managing data, not only does this help our agencies but also our agencies customers. We have thousands of developers logging into Procorem everyday like OHCS. Like OHCS, our customers use Procorem in many different ways creating an easy work center for anyone and everyone who uses our software.

There are three steps to Oregon’s NOFA Process:

  1. Pre-Application
  2. Full Application
  3. Production

For the Pre-Application process Procorem segments the process, creating simple communication and connection. Full application is the process of the segments in detail. Production is the final details of the segments.

At Prolink, we believe in the power of connecting all affordable housing participants, and in doing so, sharing better and reliable information. If you are looking for a trust-worthy and easy process, with all explanation, Procorem is made for you. If you would like to hear more on any of these topics we have shared above, please watch the video below.


To learn more, watch our video below! Take a look at our website.

No More Treasure Hunts: The Value of a Centralized Database

Treasure hunts sure were fun as a kid. Whether your parents sent you looking for buried boxes of gold with coffee-stained clues, or you were decked out in pastels and on the prowl for Easter eggs, your younger self was filled with a sense of adventure. Sure, you secretly wondered if you’d ever find the prize, but the rush of glory once you did was always worth it.

Treasure hunts at work, however, have less luster. When you’re on a deadline and can’t find information you need, it is not adventure you feel—it’s stress and frustration. That’s why you need a centralized database, which has a lot of benefits to offer your organization. Let’s go over some of the ones you’d see immediately.

Real-time Access & Up-to-date Information
When you have a single database into which information is recorded, you don’t have to wonder whether or not someone has plugged in their data from another source. And if the system is worth its salt, it will also show you when each record was last edited—and by whom. This gives you the freedom of knowing you’re always using the most up-to-date information available.

Reporting Capabilities
When all your data is stored in a single place, it makes reporting easier and faster. Even better, it gives you more versatile reporting options, since you can include any piece of information or any data point. You’re no longer limited by what is recorded in each system—you can pull anything you need. If your database is structured correctly, your ability to access information is nearly limitless.

Once your data is all in one spot, it eliminates your need to hunt through multiple systems and spreadsheets for the record you need. (How many hours would you save right there?) It also increases your organization’s efficiency by requiring data to be input only once—instead of multiple times across different systems. That means time formerly spent on a tedious task can now be used for something else, making the organization more productive.

While no one’s saying you shouldn’t channel your inner pirate or Indiana Jones, work isn’t the best place to do it. Instead, store all your golden data in a single treasure chest, so when you need information you know for certain which X marks the spot.

Getting At Your Data with ProLink Solutions

ProLink Solutions, as an industry leader in affordable housing, serves our customers and the overall industry by continually adapting—applying and translating changes in the market and federal regulations to technology. In doing so, we keep our software products up-to-date and relevant to our customer base as well as the industry overall.